Meet TGIFW People: Ram Sharan Neupane

How is our clothing manufacturer doing in the Corona crisis?
He is one of our suppliers for hemp fibres, organic cotton and bamboo in Nepal and has been on board with us since the beginning of TGIFW. He has specialized in the trade with natural fibres and that makes him proud. "The products I offer are good for nature and for people. I am proud to sell natural fibers," says Ram Sharan. He feels connected to his customers because they also allow him to experiment with new fabrics and find the most ecological way to manufacture them. His business enables him to create good jobs. He currently employs eleven people, the majority of whom are women.
The earthquake of 2015, which hit Nepal, destroyed his factory and almost cost him and his employees their existence. Now, with the corona virus, everything is at a standstill in Nepal. Nobody leaves the house, nobody works. There are no solutions such as short-time work or loss of earnings insurance in Nepal. Ram Sharan sees himself in a crisis again: "It is difficult to support my employees financially, to pay my rent costs and debts and at the same time to have enough reserves to hopefully be able to produce again soon.